Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Silence, the window of the opposite from sound. The window to the self and to higher consciousness. Through silence we can peek, almost touching the soul itself.

A window, not a door, but an opening for sure. Through and through I see a window, the window of you. And me.

The perspective changes accordingly. From inside I see the world. From outside I see me. And the window in between.

Silence is the key to open that window, to connect both worlds, to become complete.

The silence from the inside, the one from outside. With practice and perseverance one can achieve silence no matter how much noise there is. Then the window can be always open. Thoughts flowing free. Creativity at peak. Pure bliss.

And so the heart can be heard. Your pure you. The silent voice of your soul becomes loud and clear.

And you are finally you.

Paty Wallace

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