Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yoga thoughts and YOgathon

Hello dear ones,

It has been a while. In fact, it has been much longer than I'd like to. Life is busy, we make it that way but I am happy to be teaching tons of yoga classes, watching people's faces transform right before my eyes every single day. And for the first time in the almost seven years teaching yoga, I had an entire class sitting for about five minutes, completely quiet, after the yoga session was over. It was the most beautiful experience, everyone peaceful, some people smiling, some eyes closed and complete stillness in the room. NO ONE rushed out! My heart was content, happy to see such effect but definitely not surprised because I know when you devote yourself to yourself during that hour class you can find peace. Shanti in Sanskrit. I am thankful for the beautiful souls that cross my path and thankful that yoga has helped me build that path, step by step, bringing me this far.

Thanks you, thank you, Namaste.

And now, the announcement. Keeping my promise to get the world to do yoga, one person at a time, it's time for our YOgathon again. Come try these amazing teachers and their different yoga styles!



Starting at 10 AM

10 – 11:30 Sivananda yoga with Lillian
11:30 – 12:30 Power flow with Michelle Wong
12:30 – 1:30 Partner yoga with Paty
1:30 – 2:30 Rockin Dragon's Breath with Jeremy
2:30 – 3:30 Free style yoga with Patricia R.

Investment in self:
$5 for members
$10 for non-members